
Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Energy Risk Management - It Goes Much Beyond Options

energy risk management
If you were to pose the question what is ‘energy risk management’ to market pundits, don’t be surprised if the definition is as varied as the individuals articulating them. Many of these pundits have an academic approach to energy trading and hence they come up with theoretical suggestions that often contradict actual movements in the market. What is common though, is most of them see risk management as a function of ‘options’ and you would come across thousands of posts and blogs that talk about options.

This particular problem arises from the fact that many experts who have called it right in the equity markets where there is more liquidity and get into the role of issuing sermons for energy trading. Apart from few technical similarities it is similar to comparing apples and oranges. Many of their calls are made on theoretical study of the market rather than a scientifically backed analytical study where tons of data in analyzed and turned into meaningful information. Whether you want to protect margins, minimize your exposure to risk or secure your budget you need to listen to specialists who analyze data with statistical models.

Analytical & Meaningful Suggestions

When you opt for trading advisory from a reputable agency that has expertise in energy risk management they offer you treasure trove of information to make the right calls. Instead of boring paragraphs of text they would present to you color coded charts that are easy to read and make sense of. Whether you want to set up a risk management goal or strike balance between risks and rewards in highly volatile energy market these agencies offer tailored advisories and strategies based on your current exposure in the market, risk appetite and future goals.

As a business whose financials are directly linked to energy trading you need to work with such strategists. Their years of experience and in-depth working knowledge of the market with benefit you in multiple ways. From helping you choose the right trading instrument to customizing scale-in strategies for your needs they minimize the risk associated in energy trading. They help you shield your investments from recurring risks and also improve your odds of making sound financial decisions.

As we have mentioned it earlier, energy risk management goes much beyond options and you should keep your own ‘options’ open by working with experts.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Energy Trading Advisor

There are thousands of ‘rags to riches’ tales in the energy sector. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution there is no other business sector that turned average individuals into millionaires and graduated the lucky few into the list of billionaires like the energy sector. Nevertheless, the risk here is higher compared to any other commodity traded in the market. It’s a double edged sword where, as a market participant, you should measure your steps carefully. At Kase and Company, Inc., we help in mitigating risk and maximizing your returns from energy trading and energy risk management. As the leading Energy Trading Advisor with exposure to trading around the globe we offer you unmatched trading and hedging analysis and services based on our qualitative as well as quantities expertise.

Our long list of satisfied clientele includes individual traders, energy producers and consumers, marketers, financial institutions as well as institutional investors whom we help with hedging, trading and risk management. We have built robust solutions allowing our clients to trade effectively in volatile energy commodity markets in every corner of the globe. Advent of electronic trading has had a huge impact on energy markets and we make use of the latest tools to stay ahead of the competition.
Research Driven Services

If you trading energy based on instincts there is a lot of risk attached to such transactions. We help you mitigate these risks with our research and analysis driven services. Our experienced analysts keep a tab on the technical and statistical factors that influence trends in the energy sector and prices of energy commodities. This allows us to offer you great energy forecasts and market timing software and indicators to help you optimize your trading and hedging results.

We understand the power and importance of using technology and automated analysis tools in helping understand trends in the market faster, and offering more accurate advisory services. Our investment in creating cutting edge tools such as these, let us offer our clients winning insights into the oil, gas, and electricity markets.

Energy trading is no gamble but a sound way to improve portfolio results that requires well-planned approach and taking market behavior in stride. We offer you services and actionable intelligence to realize your trading and hedging strategies.

The Realm of Stocks is Complicated

Technical Trading Indicators
 Technical analysis has become an important aspect of the financial markets. There is little doubt that mathematical and statistical methods and trading models are becoming more widely used by traders and analysts. Technical analysis is used by a growing number of experts.

What is This Analysis?
Technical analysis is the study of charts and historical price action that helps traders and analysts determine what markets might do next. The basic idea behind technical analysis is that everything is discounted in price. In other words, if a trader has information that he believes will cause a stocks prices to rise, and he and other traders begin to buy based upon that information, the stock price will rise. It does not matter what that information is, but rather that the market rose. That is really all a market technician is worried about, that prices rose, not why they rose.

As prices rise, patterns begin to form. These patterns reflect the ebb and flow of the market and can be used to determine the strength of a trend, where a market might turn or stall, if a move is going to continue, sentiment, and many other factors.

Therefore, technical analysis of stock allows traders and analysts to study the market using historical data so that they can determine if a market is going to rise or fall without having to know every fundamental detail about that market.

Why indicators?
An individual may have done the research on a company, assessed their balance sheets, and taken into picture the P/E ratios and different projections. For some, this thoroughness is important when trading stocks. However, these fundamental factors do not tell the trader when to buy or sell the stock, when a trend is exhausted, or how much they should be willing to risk. Technical analysis gives them the answers to those questions.

Belief of Experts 
Professional and experienced traders believe that the first thing any trader must know about a market is its trend. A market can do just three things – it might go up, it might go down, and it might go sideways. Momentum indicators help a trader gauge trend direction and strength. Momentum indicators include such traditional studies such as RSI, Stochastic, and MACD, as well as more advance indicators such as the KasePO and KaseCD.

What is a Momentum Indicator?
A momentum indicator studies and measures the rate of change of price. There are various ways of doing this that are outside the scope of this article. Momentum indicators tell a trader the direction of a trend, its strength, whether price is overbought or oversold, and when a trend is becoming exhausted (using a technique called momentum divergence). Momentum indicators are extremely powerful tools that may be used to time entries and exits.

The bottom line is that technical analysis and best trading indicators can help you become a better trader by helping you learn when to time entries and exits, how much risk to take at any given time, how strong or weak a trend is, and when a statistically significant turn is about to take place.